20 April 2010

a history of books: sixth.

"the contortionist."
9 1/2"x12 1/2"

"the contortionist" was my mid-term project for kurt hollomon's word+image class in the fall of 2009. the book was made mostly of mailing supplies--envelopes, stamps, labels, twine--as well as a typewriter and yellow legal pad.

it is the story of "the paper contortionist," a nameless shapeshifter who spends his days traveling the world via postal service.

the character was developed using blind contours i drew of my room mate, danny felts.

the fact that my character, even in real life, was a two dimensional object made it easy to fold him up and send him off wherever i wanted him to go, and it also made for the perfect opportunity to develop an interactive book.

(each airplane can be unfolded to reveal a portrait of the contortionist.)

(a love letter, one of the object the contortionist travels inside of.)

the diversity of the book also let me bring a variety of techniques onto the set--collage, sewing, life sketches, etc.

(this is the house across the street from my cousin's house in chicago.)

this book is probably my favorite. [the end.]

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo Awesome and beautiful. Umm I love the materials and the idea!
